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Founded in 1993, our business continues to be proudly owner-managed and medium-sized, specialising in pipework and plant engineering.

With over 50 employees we plan, manufacture and assemble pipework systems, tanks and plants both in the domestic market and across Europe. Our new subsidiary Foltis + Holthaus OHG focuses on the business of fittings and supplies, so you have all the benefits that orders are fulfilled from one company.
On site we are at the full disposal of our clients with building work supervision, technical equipment and fitters, whilst providing state of the art communication.We can hire additional technicians, if necessary, to fulfil your scheduled orders efficiently.

Our operation-work focuses on the paper industry and on the raw material suppliers of the paper and chemical industries.

F & H Industrie-Montage GmbH

Auf den Trohnen 7
D-59469 Ense-Höingen

Tel: +49 (0) 29 38/ 97 72-0
Fax: +49 (0) 29 38/ 97 72-77

E-Mail: info@fhgmbh.de